Marisa Ferris' Podcast

Sandra Gonzalez's Podcast

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mission Complete!

We Did It!!!!
Our podcast of The Tell Tale Heart went extremely well! Each group member did a fabulous job recording her section and questions. Our podcasting experience went smoothly and wonderfully. We decided to podcast questions after each section so that our students would be able to pause and listen to the questions instead of simply reading them. For our lesson we plan to frighten our students (but excite them as well) with Edgar Allan Poe. The questions we asked were:
1. What is the setting and atmosphere of the story?
2. What is your first impression of the main character?
3. What is your prediction about what is going to happen throughout the story?
4. What evidence suggests the narrator is a mad man?
5. Describe the grotesque gothic elements during this section.
6. How does the man describe how he will dismember the body?
7. Where did the ringing come from?

These questions will enable our students to understand what is going on in the story while reading along. After the story we will start a group project titled, "Frightfest"...which you can imagine what kind of creativity will occur. We are excited to continue to work with this gothic short story to conquer our classroom and make reading Poe exciting, frightening, and faboulous!!! Til next time...We'll be watching you AH HAHAHA!

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